

Federal Title IV financial aid regulations require students receiving federal student aid to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards to maintain eligibility for the aid. Satisfactory Academic Progress standards are also required for some 状态 and institutional financial aid programs. At 金沙中国足病医学院 (SOPM), satisfactory academic progress is determined once a year at the end of each academic year; and once all final grades are posted. 


The policy will cover the students participating in the 金沙中国 SOPM curriculum. At 金沙中国足病医学院 (SOPM), 每年在每个学年结束时,当所有的最终成绩公布时,就会确定是否取得了令人满意的学业进展. 金沙中国 SOPM does not calculate GPA; therefore, 代替GPA, students must meet the three components described below. 在足科医学院修读一年的学生,如果满足所需的SAP的三个组成部分,就有资格获得第四章援助: Qualitative Assessment, Pace of Progression (定量标准),以及 最大时间范围. 



To determine a student’s academic progress, SOPM财政援助办公室坚持足病医学院的医学生评估和促进委员会(PMSEPC)的学术政策. 该政策适用于所有学生,并要求学生满足联邦第四章学术政策要求. 


  • 通过将学生成功完成的累计学时除以学生尝试的累计学时来确定. 
  • Attempted hours are all course credit hours for which a student is enrolled as of the census date. 给足科医学院的学生, attempted hours include grades of H (Honors), HP(高通), P(通过), NP (failed-no pass), 博士(下降), 或者I(不完整). Grades of 博士(下降) are counted as hours attempted if the student is enrolled in the class as of the census date. 
  • Students must successfully complete at least 67% of the hours attempted. (例如, 一个足科医学院的学生如果尝试了40个学分,并以“P”(及格)或更高的成绩成功完成了32个学分,那么他就完成了80%的学分。. 
  • 在学年结束时, 未能达到这一标准的学生将被置于经济援助试用期,并将被要求提交经济援助SAP上诉. 


  • 根据联邦法规,这是SOPM学生必须完成足病医学学位的最长时间. 
  • 最长时间框架将由允许完成足病医学博士课程的年数来衡量. 
  • 参加足病医学博士课程的足病医学学生从入学之日起最多有6年(课程长度的150%)完成他们的学位. Appeals to PMSEPC can be made on a case-by-case basis. 


联邦第四章财政援助规定要求接受联邦学生援助的学生达到令人满意的学术进步(SAP)标准,以保持获得援助的资格. Satisfactory Academic Progress standards are also required for some 状态 and institutional financial aid programs. 

At 金沙中国足病医学院 (SOPM), satisfactory academic progress is determined once a year at the end of each academic year; and once all final grades are posted. 金沙中国 SOPM does not calculate GPA; therefore, 代替GPA, students must meet the three components described below. 在医学院复读一年的学生,如果满足所需的SAP的三个组成部分,就有资格获得第四章援助: Qualitative Assessment, Pace of Progression (定量标准),以及 最大时间范围.


To determine a student’s academic progress, SOPM财政援助办公室坚持足病医学院的医学生评估和促进委员会(PMSEPC)的学术政策. 该政策适用于所有学生,并要求学生满足联邦第四章学术政策要求. 


  • 这是通过将学生成功完成的累计学时除以学生尝试的累计学时来确定的. 
  • Attempted hours are all course credit hours for which a student is enrolled as of the census date. 医学院学生, attempted hours include grades of H (Honors), HP(高通), P(通过), NP (failed-no pass), 博士(下降), 或者I(不完整).  Grades of 博士(下降) are counted as hours attempted if the student is enrolled in the class as of the census date. 
  • Students must successfully complete at least 67% of the hours attempted. (例如, 如果一个医科学生尝试了40个学分,并以“P”(及格)的成绩成功完成了其中的32个学分,那么他就完成了80%的学分。. 
  • 在学年结束时, 未能达到这一标准的学生将被置于经济援助试用期,并将被要求提交经济援助SAP上诉. 


  • 根据联邦法规,这是SOPM学生必须完成足病医学学位的最长时间. 
  • 最长时间框架将由允许完成足病医学博士课程的年数来衡量. 
  • 参加足部医学博士课程的医学生从入学之日起最多有6年(课程长度的150%)完成他们的学位. Appeals to PMSEPC can be made on a case-by-case basis. 


足科医学院的学生在每学年结束时,一旦所有成绩公布(通常在6月),就会接受SAP评估。. Students not meeting SAP after the process is completed will automatically go into financial aid probation, 会有 没有警告期根据联邦法规. Students placed on probation 不 eligible for any Title IV aid, such as Direct Unsubsidized and Graduate PLUS Loans, unless a 金融援助 SAP appeal is approved. 


由于未能达到令人满意的学术进步(SAP)标准而被拒绝第四章援助(经济援助)的足病医学学生可以通过填写财务援助SAP上诉并将上诉表格连同任何支持文件提交给SOPM财务援助上诉委员会来上诉这一决定. An appeal must be based on significant mitigating circumstances that seriously affected academic performance. Examples of possible mitigating circumstances are the death of an immediate family member, 严重疾病或受伤, 车祸, 分居或离婚, and other similar events and/or other extenuating circumstances in which the student had no control.

The SOPM 金融援助 SAP Appeals Committee will be convened as needed by the SOPM Director of 学生服务. Committee members consisting of the SOPM Administration, along with representation from the 金沙中国 金融援助 Office, will review submitted financial aid appeal forms. These committee members function in a student advisory administrative capacity, 和/或了解联邦, 状态, and institutional financial aid regulations and policies. Approved decisions are determined after careful evaluation of the student’s unique circumstances, 联邦第四章法规, 和金沙中国 SOPM指南. Students with an approved appeal 不ified of the decision via e-mail and the student portal. 在此期间, the student is responsible for any tuition and fees (including late fees) incurred in their account. 


  • 申诉必须包括一封解释信,详细说明学生未能达到SAP标准的原因,以及他们将采取哪些具体措施来解决这种情况,并确保满足SAP的要求. Students will be given a period of two weeks to complete and submit their Appeal. 
  • 上诉委员会可以根据他们的专业判断批准上诉,即学生已经充分证明了由于不符合SAP而导致停学的情有可原的情况. 
  • 在SAP政策标准恢复之前,上诉被拒绝的学生仍然处于经济援助暂停状态,无法获得经济援助资金. 
  • 所有上诉决定为最终决定. 

Rein状态ment of 金融援助 (Title IV) Eligibility 

  • Students with an approved appeal are placed on financial aid probation for one year. 在这实习期, they remain eligible to receive Title IV aid, 包括联邦直接贷款. 
  • 在试用期结束时满足所有SAP要求的学生将重新获得第四章援助的资格,并且不需要在下一学年再次提出上诉. 

请注意: Students with an approved appeal, but who are repeating a year of medical school eligible to receive any type of tuition scholarship as per SOPM Scholarship 政策. 


由于未能达到令人满意的学业进步标准而被拒绝第四章援助(经济援助)的足病医学学生可以通过填写经济援助SAP上诉并将上诉表格连同任何证明文件提交给SOPM经济援助上诉委员会来上诉这一决定. An appeal must be based on significant mitigating circumstances that seriously affected academic performance. Examples of possible mitigating circumstances are the death of an immediate family member, 严重疾病或受伤, 车祸, 分居或离婚, and other similar events and/or other extenuating circumstances in which the student had no control. 

  • 申诉必须包括一封解释信,详细说明学生未能达到SAP标准的原因,以及他们将采取哪些具体措施来解决这种情况,并确保满足SAP的要求. Students will be given a period of two weeks to complete and submit their Appeal. 
  • 上诉委员会可以根据他们的专业判断批准上诉,即学生已经充分证明了由于不符合SAP而导致停学的情有可原的情况. 
  • 在SAP政策标准恢复之前,上诉被拒绝的学生仍然处于经济援助暂停状态,无法获得经济援助资金. 
  • 所有上诉决定为最终决定. 
  • Students with an approved appeal are placed on financial aid probation for one year. 在这实习期, they remain eligible to receive Title IV aid, 包括联邦直接贷款. 
  • 在试用期结束时满足所有SAP要求的学生可以重新获得第四章援助的资格,并且不需要在下一学年再次提出上诉. 

Final Level of Appeal (if applicable)

The SOPM 金融援助 SAP Appeals Committee will be convened as needed by the SOPM Director of 学生服务. Committee members consisting of the SOPM Administration, along with representation from the 金沙中国 金融援助 Office, will review submitted financial aid appeal forms. These committee members function in a student advisory administrative capacity, 和/或了解联邦, 状态, and institutional financial aid regulations and policies. Approved decisions are determined after careful evaluation of the student’s unique circumstances, 联邦第四章法规, 和金沙中国 SOPM指南. Students with an approved appeal 不ified of the decision via e-mail and the student portal. 在此期间, the student is responsible for any tuition and fees (including late fees) incurred in their account. 

Relevant Federal and/or State Statute(s), 校董会规则, UTS政策(ies), 及/或协调委员会规则

American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine (AACPM) 